Angeline Leo is an experienced linguist. She is constantly working for national and international conferences, lectures and meetings. During the work, she often sits in a soundproof booth listening to the speaker through headphones, and interprets speeches from English into Chinese simultaneously.

Angelina Leo often volunteer for public service interpreting. She interprets for non-profit organizations in public including legal, health and local government issues.

Angelina Leo has broad knowledge of both American and Chinese culture, and works hard to foster a rewarding, supportive, and enjoyable community for English - Chinese interpreters in the entertainment industry.  

Angelina Leo spends her spare time working on this glossary for the entertainment industry. She hopes that her contributions would benefit people in the entertainment industry, especially in co-finance, co-production, and distribution.

Please feel free to share this page and citing Angelina Leo’s credit is highly appreciated.



Glossary - English & Chinese


導演 Directed by/ A Film by
編劇 Screenplay by/ Written by (Story by 的用法請參考:
改編自其他媒材 Based on… (true events, books, plays, etc…)
編劇與導演為同一人時可說:Written and directed by
出品人 Presented by
製片人 Produced by/ Producer
*監製 Executive Producer (香港的“監製”會翻成Producer)
*行政監製 Administration Producer (香港電影或有香港組的電影會有這個)
策劃 Associate Producer
聯合製片人 Co-producer


執行導演 Executive Director
第一副導演 1st Assistant Director
第二副導演 2nd Assistant Director
第三副導演 2nd 2nd Assistant Director
場記 Script Supervisor(Continuity 現在比較少用了)
導演助理 Assistant to Director(切勿跟副導演搞混)
選角(副導演) Casting by/ Casting Director
故事版 Storyboard Artist


*製片主任 Line Producer(美國很少給Line Producer這個credit,詳情請參見PGA網站)
*製片經理(製片) (Unit) Production Manager (這兩個是兩岸三地用法差別最大的,大陸有時候會說“劇務主任”)
外聯製片 Location Manager
現場製片 On-set Production Manager
統籌 Production Supervisor
後期製片 Post-production Supervisor
*製片(組)助理/ 場務 Production Assistant(Sometimes is “Runners”)

攝影組/燈光組/ 立體組 

攝影指導(攝影師) Director of Photography/ Cinematographer(這個少用)
攝影操作員 Camera Operator
跟焦員 Focus Puller
換片員 Film Loader(快絕跡了)
史坦尼康 Steadicam
推軌員 Dolly Grip
燈光指導(燈光師) Gaffer
燈光助理 Best Boy
電工 Grip (老大可稱作 Key Grip)
立體指導 Stereographer


*美術指導 Production Designer
*美術 Art Director (這兩者的差異在於:Production Director是“設計”整個電影視覺風格的,所以美術、場景、服裝等都要聽她/他的;Art Director專指設計與搭現場的場景的負責人 )
置景師 Set Decorator/ Set Dressing
服裝設計 Costume Designer
化妝師 Makeup Artist
特殊化妝 Special Makeup Artist
道具 Prop Master
特殊道具 Special Props


配樂/作曲 (Original) Music by
音樂總監 Music Supervisor
聲音(音響)設計 Sound Designer
聲音/收音 Sound
收音員 Boom Operator
混音師 Sound Mixer
聲音剪輯 Sound Editor
對白錄音 ADR (Additional Dialogue Recording)
對白剪輯 Dialogue Editor
擬音師 Foley Artist


剪輯 Edited by/ Editor
特技(效)總監 VFX Supervisor
動畫師 Animator
調光(色)師 Colorist


武術指導 Fight (Martial Arts, Kong Fu) Choreographer
動作導演 Action Director
特技人員 Stunt
現場特技(效) Special Effects
劇照師 Still Photographor


出納 Cashier
司機組/司機 Transportation/Drivers
片頭設計 Title Sequence
數字中間片 Digital Intermediate
底片掃瞄 Film Scan​